
We publish quality blog posts covering packages part of the Scientific Python Ecosystem. While we focus on showcasing great use of the packages, we are also interested in the non-coding or technical side of projects.

We love code examples. While a fair quality is expected, we focus more on the story than on the code and are less nitpicky that what you would expect when submitting code to a major library. Still, best practices are to be observed (both in terms of general Python construction, style and also in terms of good practices using libraries) and the reviewers make sure of this point.

We do not accept any sponsored or promotional article. It is accepted to mention your organization, but it must not be the focus of the article.

At a bare minimum, submissions must:

  • The main subject relates to at least one project affiliated to the Scientific Python Ecosystem.
  • Authors have the right to publish the content under BSD 3-Clause License for the code and Creative Common CC-BY-4.0 License for the text.
  • Respect our code of conduct.
  • Be written in English.

Submit a Post

Anyone is welcome to submit a blog post and very little technical knowledge is required.

We use GitHub to manage post submissions. To create a submission, open a pull request (PR) on our Git repository:

If you are new to GitHub, see here for more information on how to make a PR.

A few extra notes.

  • This project is using pre-commit hooks. The hooks will be installed automatically when you will build the blog.
  • Do not rebase or force push on your branch. Only merge it with main if you need to get the latest version. This prevents past reviews to get out of sync with your branch.

Create a Post

The blog uses Hugo to create and render the blog. For a better experience, we recommend you to install it on your local machine. This will allow you to build the blog and see how your post would look like.

Note: you will be able to see a rendered version of the blog with your content when making a PR.

Type the following to create a new post, where [library] is one of the affiliated project (see existing content for example):

hugo new content/posts/[library]/[title]/

This command will create a new folder under folder_repository/content/posts/[library]. This will be your working directory for the post. If you want to add external content to your post (e.g., images), you will add it to this folder.

You can now open the file in your post folder with your favorite text editor. It is filled with some basics to help you get started.


You will see a header section delimited by —. Let us go through all the headings you can configure:

title: "Your fancy title"

This is the title of your post that will appear at the beginning of the page. Pick a catchy one.

date: 2019-09-01T21:37:03-04:00

The current date and time, you do not need to modify this.

draft: true

Specify if the post is a draft or not.

description: "This is my first post contribution."

This is a long description of the topic of your post. Modify it according to your content.

tags: ["tutorials", [library]]

Pick the category you want your post to be added to. Reviewers will help with that.

displayInList: true

Specify that you want your post to appear in the list of latest posts and in the list of posts of the specified category.

author: ["Bob"]

Add your name as author. Multiple authors are separated by commas.

- name: featuredImage
  src: "my-image.png"
    description: "my image description"
    showOnTop: true

Select an image to be associated to your post, which will appear aside the title in the homepage. Make sure to add my-image.png to your post folder. The parameter showOnTop decides whether the image will also be shown at the top of your post.


Now, you can write the main text of your post. We fully support markdown, so use it to format your post.

To preview your new post, open a terminal and type:

make serve

Then open the browser and visit http://localhost:1313 to make sure your post appears in the homepage. If you spot errors or something that you want to tune, go back to your file and modify it. If you are editing notebooks, you need to run make executed_notebooks before changes will appear.


Images must be in PNG and compressed using a tool like pngcrush or pngquant. For instance:

pngquant --ext .png --force my_figure.png

Another important aspect is alt-text. All figures must include alt-text. This is very important for inclusiveness.