Posts with #GSoD

Scientific Python GSoD 2022 Proposal
Create educational content for the Scientific Python Blog About your organization With an extensive and high-quality ecosystem of libraries, scientific Python has emerged as the leading platform for data analysis. This ecosystem is sustained largely by volunteers working on independent projects with separate mailing lists, websites, roadmaps, documentation, engineering and packaging solutions, and governance structures. The Scientific Python project aims to better coordinate the ecosystem and prepare the software projects in this ecosystem for the next decade of data science.
GSoD: Developing Matplotlib Entry Paths
Introduction This year’s Google Season of Docs (GSoD) provided me the opportunity to work with the open source organization, Matplotlib. In early summer, I submitted my proposal of Developing Matplotlib Entry Paths with the goal of improving the documentation with an alternative approach to writing. I had set out to identify with users more by providing real world contexts to examples and programming. My purpose was to lower the barrier of entry for others to begin using the Python library with an expository approach.