Posts with #Scientific-Python

The Scientific Python Development Guide

One outcome of the 2023 Scientific Python Developer Summit was the Scientific Python Development Guide, a comprehensive guide to modern Python package development, complete with a new project template supporting 10+ build backends and a WebAssembly-powered checker with checks linked to the guide. The guide covers topics like modern, compiled, and classic packaging, style checks, type checking, docs, task runners, CI, tests, and much more! There also are sections of tutorials, principles, and some common patterns.

This guide (along with cookie & repo-review) started in Scikit-HEP in 2020. During the summit, it was merged with the NSLS-II guidelines, which provided the basis for the principles section. I’d like to thank and acknowledge Dan Allan and Gregory Lee for working tirelessly during the summit to rework, rewrite, merge, and fix the guide, including writing most of the tutorials pages and first patterns page, and rewriting the environment page as a tutorial.

Developer Summit 1
The first Scientific Python Developer Summit (May 22-26, 2023) brought together 34 developers at the eScience Institute at the University of Washington to develop shared infrastructure, documentation, tools, and recommendations for libraries in the Scientific Python ecosystem. Pre-summit planning Prior to the summit we held several hour-long planning meetings: General (2023-02-27) May 15, Package metrics, DevStats May 15, SPECs May 18, Community & Documentation May 19, Build Systems & CI Infrastructure May 19, PyTest plugins & Sphinx extensions Summit execution At the summit, we had a brief check-in and then split into several groups based on each developers time and interests.
Developer Summit 1: Sparse Arrays
Scientific-Python Developer Summit (May 22-26, 2023, Seattle WA) – The first Scientific Python Developer Summit provided an opportunity for core developers from the scientific Python ecosystem to come together to: improve joint infrastructure better coordinate core projects work on a shared strategic plan Related notes/sites: Worklog. Planning Meeting Notes and Info. One of the focuses of the summit was Sparse Arrays, and specifically their implementation in SciPy. This post attempts to recap what happened with “sparse” at the summit and a glimpse of plans for our continuing work.
Scientific Python awarded CZI grant to improve communications infrastructure & accessibility
We are delighted to announce a two-year grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) in support of the Scientific Python project. This grant will support work on common web themes, joint infrastructure and practices, accessibility, and interactivity of core library documentation. We are particularly excited that, through this work, we may expand global participation of scientific communities in using and contributing to Python tools. It is, to the best of our knowledge, the first time that a scientific open source community has received significant support for accessibility and internationalization efforts.
Scientific Python: Community developed, community owned
The Scientific Python project is an initiative to better coordinate and support the scientific Python ecosystem of libraries and to grow the surrounding community. It aims to improve communication between ecosystem projects, to better plan for their joint future, and to make that future a reality. Why is this important? Initially, the Scientific Python developer community was small, so that it was easy to discuss important ecosystem-wide decisions at events like the annual SciPy conference.
Team up! Alt text and cross-project community
The Scientific Python blog has just gotten a little more accessible! If you didn’t catch our invite on Twitter or run into the problem firsthand, there’s a good chance you might not have noticed the new descriptions for a number of blog post images. Since it’s not a flashy improvement, we wanted to make a point to highlight the community effort to to make a more accessible blog–and internet as a whole–last week.
Scientific Python GSoD 2022 Proposal
Create educational content for the Scientific Python Blog About your organization With an extensive and high-quality ecosystem of libraries, scientific Python has emerged as the leading platform for data analysis. This ecosystem is sustained largely by volunteers working on independent projects with separate mailing lists, websites, roadmaps, documentation, engineering and packaging solutions, and governance structures. The Scientific Python project aims to better coordinate the ecosystem and prepare the software projects in this ecosystem for the next decade of data science.