The Scientific Python Development Guide
Your Code Could Go To Space
Developer Summit 1
Developer Summit 1: Sparse Arrays
Outreachy Part II: Internship Guide
Outreachy Part I: My experience as a first-time contributor in Open-Source
NumPy's first Developer in Residence: Sayed Adel
Scientific Python awarded CZI grant to improve communications infrastructure & accessibility
Scientific Python: Community developed, community owned
The VF2++ algorithm
ISO Feasibility & Candidates
Updates on VF2++
GSoC 2022: NetworkX VF2++ Implementation
SciPy Internship: 2021-2022
Team up! Alt text and cross-project community
NumPy Contributor Spotlight: Mukulika Pahari
A quick tour of QMC with SciPy
Scientific Python GSoD 2022 Proposal
How to create custom tables
Art from UNC BIOL222
Newly released open access book
Battery Charts - Visualise usage rates & more
GSoC'21: Final Report
GSoC'21: Quarter Progress
The Python Graph Gallery: hundreds of python charts with reproducible code.
GSoC'21: Pre-Quarter Progress
GSoC'21: Mid-Term Progress
Aitik Gupta joins as a Student Developer under GSoC'21
Stellar Chart, a Type of Chart to Be on Your Radar
Figures in the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR15)
GSoD: Developing Matplotlib Entry Paths
Visualizing Code-Switching with Step Charts
GSoC 2020 Work Product - Baseline Images Problem
My Summer of Code 2021
Completing the Asadpour Algorithm
GSoC Coding Phase 3 Blog 1
Looking at the Big Picture
Sampling a Spanning Tree
GSoC Coding Phase 2 Blog 2
Preliminaries for Sampling a Spanning Tree
The Entropy Distribution
Elementary Cellular Automata
Entropy Distribution Setup
GSoC Coding Phase 2 Blog 1
Finalizing the Held-Karp Relaxation
Animate Your Own Fractals in Python with Matplotlib
Implementing the Held-Karp Relaxation
GSoC Coding Phase 1 Blog 2
Understanding the Ascent Method
Animated polar plot with oceanographic data
implementing the Iterators
GSoC Coding Phase 1 Blog 1
Finding all Minimum Arborescences
A Closer Look at the Held-Karp Relaxation
Pyplot vs Object Oriented Interface
Emoji Mosaic Art
NetworkX Function Stubs
Held-Karp Separation Oracle
Draw all graphs of N nodes
Sidharth Bansal joined as GSoC'20 intern
Held-Karp Relaxation
Matplotlib Cyberpunk Style
Elliott Sales de Andrade hired as Matplotlib Software Research Engineering Fellow
Matplotlib for Making Diagrams
Create Ridgeplots in Matplotlib
Create a Tesla Cybertruck That Drives
An Inquiry Into Matplotlib's Figures
Custom 3D engine in Matplotlib
Matplotlib in Data Driven SEO
Creating the Warming Stripes in Matplotlib
Using Matplotlib to Advocate for Postdocs